Board Committees

Corporate Governance Committee
The Corporate Governance Committee should mainly assist the Board with the development and implementation of the Company's corporate governance principles and should present to the Board remedial proposals to that end. The Committee should make recommendations to the Board, where appropriate, regarding the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer succession plan. In the relations between the company and our shareholders, the Committee assists the Board. To that end, it oversees the investor relations activities. Please click here for the working principles of the Corporate Governance Committee.Corporate Governance Committee Members
- Serdar Çetin (Chairman)
- Melikşah Yasin
- Emre Alpman
- Özlem Yardım
Audit Committee
Consistent with the duties imposed on audit committees by applicable law and rules, the main duties of the Audit Committee include the following:- assisting the Board's oversight of the quality and integrity of the Company's financial statements and related disclosure;
- overseeing the implementation and efficiency of the accounting system of the Company;
- pre-approving the appointment of and services to be provided by the independent audit company;
- preparing and monitoring the agreement between the independent auditor and the Company and overseeing the performance and efficiency of the Company's independent audit system and internal audit mechanisms.
Audit Committee Members
- İdris Sarısoy (Chairman)
- Serdar Çetin
- Mehmet Naci İnci
Nomination Committee
Nomination Committee shall perform independent board member candidate nomination and performance assessment processes. Please click here for the working principles of the Nomination Committee.Nomination Committee Members
- İdris Sarısoy (Chairman)
- Şenol Kazancı
- Melikşah Yasin
Remuneration Committee
The Committee determines the remuneration principles that apply to the Board members and senior management taking into account the long-term strategic goals of the Company. It sets out the remuneration criteria for the Board members and senior management’s performance and makes compensation recommendations to the Board. Please click here for the working principles of the Remuneration Committee.Remuneration Committee Members
- İdris Sarısoy (Chairman)
- Şenol Kazancı
- Nail Olpak
Early Detection of Risk Committee
Early Detection of Risk Committee assists the Board in early detection of risks that may jeopardize the Company’s existence, development and continuation; in taking necessary measures/remedial actions and in managing the risks. Please click here for the working principles of the Early Detection of Risk Committee.Early Detection of Risk Committee Members
- Mehmet Naci İnci (Chairman)
- Figen Kılıç
- Ayşe Nur Bahçekapılı
Strategy and Digitalization Committee
The primary objective of the Committee, which was established as per the Turkish Commercial Code Article 366 (2), is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities by providing advice in respect to Turkcell and its group companies’ (“Turkcell Group”) strategy, digitalization and effectiveness frameworks. The Committee will inform the Board of Directors by reporting regularly or upon request of the Board of Directors with respect to its activities. Strategy and Digitalization Committee Members
- Mehmet Naci İnci (Chairman)
- Şenol Kazancı
- Serdar Çetin
- Mustafa Demirhan
- Tolga Kılıç