You may find below the general information on the scope of voice service of Turkcell Roaming, Wholesale Voice and Interconnection Management Directorate.
You may find below the general information on the scope of voice service of Turkcell Roaming, Wholesale Voice and Interconnection Management Directorate.
Turkcell has voice, SMS and MMS interconnection agreements with fixed and mobile network operators.
Turkcell's national voice termination fees are determined in accordance with the decision of Information and Communication Technologies Authority (Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu (BTK)) on mobile termination fees.
SMS and MMS fees are currently determined by the parties within the scope of commercial agreements.
Turkcell offers a service that covers the whole world so that its subscribers can make quality connections.
You may find below the general information on the scope of international roaming service of Turkcell Roaming, Wholesale Voice and Interconnection Management Directorate.
You may find below general information on the scope of our innovative digital services and solutions.