Turkcell shares are traded in the form of ordinary shares at Borsa Istanbul and in the form of ADRs at NYSE. Turkcell ADRs, with the ticker symbol TKC are dollar-denominated securities backed by the shares trading in Turkey. The ratio between the ADR and the underlying ordinary shares is 2:5, meaning two Turkcell ADRs are the equivalent of five Turkcell ordinary shares.
The Turkcell ADR Program is a sponsored Level II ADR Program managed by Turkcell’s Depositary Bank, Citibank. For further information please refer to the Turkcell ADR page on Citibank’s website at:
For trade settlement information, please contact Citi’s Capital Markets Solutions team: New York Michael O’Leary Michael.Oleary@citi.com Jason Zoppel Jason.Zoppel@citi.com London Michael Woods Michael.Woods@citi.com
The nominal value of the issued share capital of Turkcell is TRY 2,200,000,000 consisting of 2,200,000,000 shares each with a nominal value of 1.00 TRY per share.
Turkcell has historically prepared and presented its consolidated financial statements on a consolidated basis in accordance with US GAAP in US dollars for purposes of reporting to the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") of USA and in New Turkish Lira ("TRY") in accordance with Turkish GAAP and Turkish Capital Market Board ("CMB") requirements in Turkey.
Starting from the first quarter of 2006, consolidated financial results of Turkcell are reported in accordance with IFRS in US dollars to international markets and in accordance with IFRS in TRY in line with the requirements of CMB in the local market. With effect from fourth quarter of 2015, our financials according to the Turkish Accounting Standards and IFRS will be presented in Turkish Lira only.
We have historically maintained our books of account and prepared our statutory financial statements in Turkish Lira in accordance with Turkish Accounting Principles promulgated under the Turkish Commercial Code and Turkish tax legislation. We have periodically prepared Financial statements based on Capital Markets Board Communiqué Serial XI No:25 and USGAAP on quarterly basis and Annual Reports once a year and submitted them to relevant authorities until the end of 31 December 2005.
It is decided that IFRS will be adopted for the Financial Statements starting from the first quarter of 2006 on a quarterly basis and Annual Reports once a year for both Capital Markets Board of Turkey and Securities Exchange Commission.
ADR stands for an American Depository Receipt. ADS stand for an American Depository Share. An ADR is a receipt for the shares of a foreign-based corporation held in the vault of a U.S. bank, entitling the shareholder to all dividends and capital gains. An ADR is the certificate that represents a number of ADSs.
According to related article of Turkish Commercial Code, ordinary general assembly takes place within 3 months following the end of financial year. In case of extraordinary circumstances, extraordinary general assembly takes place at any time in accordance with the required procedures.
Dividends paid to resident taxpayer legal entities are not subject to withholding tax while a resident taxpayer natural person is subject to a 10% withholding tax. Regardless of being a natural person or legal entity, non resident taxpayers are subject to a 10% withholding tax, while double taxation treaties remain valid.